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Unsure about my ingrown toenail removal surgery!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Zack heltz, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Zack heltz

    Zack heltz Guest

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    Well i dont think it was a big ingrown toenail, but he numbs me , and then pinches my skin with tweezers to see if it hurts , and then he takes his clipper things, and cuts straight down on the side then takes ahold of the ingrown nail and pulls towards him so it rips it out, but i dont think thats enough..? like i watched a few videos online, and there doctor raps a tube around the bottom of their toe and cuts straight down like mine did but instead when they grab ahold of the nail they twist it and a bunch of skin stuff and a huuuge nail peice comes out, but i dont tihnk the nail that i had removed wasnt as deep and grown but i feel like hes trying to make me come back for him to make more money
  2. Zack heltz

    Zack heltz Guest

    PLeaSE someone help me!!
  3. Zack heltz

    Zack heltz Guest

    Someone please
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    It doesnt sound right to me-Ive had both big toe nails partially removed and both small ones totally removed and I had much more done than that-along with phenol to kill the nail bed to stop the toe nail re-growing. All you can do is go back and see your podiatrist and explain your concerns-hes the expert and maybe what hes done is adequate? .
  5. munoz124

    munoz124 New Member

    sounds like he removed it but it will grow back since no phenol, so maybe wanting you to come back again, every podiatrist is different but phenol is used to stop it from coming back and ingrowing back....sorry

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