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Very sharp pain in foot when stepping on it

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Hi. So the symptom showed up this morning.. when I step on my right foot I get a very sharp piercing pain in the upper middle of my foot. There is no pain when my weight is on my left foot, but I can barely walk. Any ideas on what the cause might be would be greatly appreciated.
  2. munoz124

    munoz124 New Member

    oh lets so hope its not mortons neuroma, if it just started maybe you can get it taken care of before its a chronic condition. Anyway you can stay off for awhile and stictly ice and heat and slight massage...a mortons neuroma is basically a pinched nerve and believe me once it goes to the next level like going a couple months with it and not treating it, there are no treatments....so ice and heat and keep it up....orthotics if you can get them asap and use a metatasal pad to keep pressure off, can get those at walgreens...pressure needs to be off that nerve the best you can so the inflammation doesnt get worse...

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