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swollen instep and very painful

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I have a problem with my instep on my left foot. It swells up and becomes very painful, however even though it it swollen I don't have any reddness. It has swollen twice now and I want to know what is the cause. I have visited my Doctor and she has said it is not gout and she doesn't know what it can be. She advised me to continue to take diclofenic and ibruprofen when it starts to swell. However it took a while to have much effect on the foot the last time it happened and I had a very bad night.
  2. I think you need to go back to your Doctor and ask for a blood test to check your kidney function. It maybe that you are retaining fluid which collects at the legs and that causes you to feel pain.
    If you wear socks does the elastic leave a deep mark on your shin. I am no doctor but who knows. A course of diuretics may help your condition. Wish you all the best.
  3. AussiePod

    AussiePod New Member

    Lymphoedema is usually worse at the end of the day, and is improved quite quickly by elevating the feet.
    If the Feet are stuck in tight shoes all day, they can certainly cause lots of different pains.

    I would agree that you go and see a doctor, we won't be able to diagnose you over the internet, as there is too many thing we could miss.

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