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Jones Fracture healing time

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Lindamarie44, May 9, 2012.

  1. Lindamarie44

    Lindamarie44 New Member

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    I fractured my foot over 6 months ago November 4th). The doctor diagnosed it as a Jones Fracture. I wore a CAM walker and used Exogen Bone Stimulator for 4 months. For the past 2 months I've been in regular shoes. X-rays reveal that it is still broken, although some healing has taken place. I had X-rays done last week and there was no apparent change from 6 weeks ago, and very little change from 12 weeks ago. I've gotten 2 opinions. 1 doctor is saying it may still heal, while the other is saying that after 6 months now it is not going to heal. To complicate matters, 3 months after the break I had microfracture surgery on my opposite knee (which was 3 months ago now). I've been favoring my knee, which is putting more pressure on my broken foot. I've noticed increased pain in the fracture site. If I have the surgery I risk setting back the recovery from my knee surgery, but I'm so tired of my foot hurting and not being able to stand for more than 5 minutes. At what point would you say it is safe to throw in the towel and determine that this thing just isn't going to heal? After 6 months is there any chance of it healing on its own?

    I have surgery scheduled for 2 weeks from now but am conflicted over my decision because of the 2 different opinions from my doctors.
  2. bevin

    bevin New Member

    HI LindaMarie,

    I am now on my second Jones fx. First one was on left foot 6 years ago. I broke it in December, was non weight bearing for 5 months, then in a big CAM boot , NWB, then in a walker shoe at 6 months. My fracture didnt fill in until 9 months later. It was sept xrays that finally showed full fx heal. So it was a 9 month process. I will say, I was glad I waited as I hated the thought of screws in my foot - afraid of the issues those could cause over the long term. It was a discouraging process though.

    This time, I broke my right foot - Jones fx as well. My doctor has me in a cast and I get that off in 3 more weeks. Xray will tell if I can go to CAM boot with partial weight bearing. Its scary I know to wait, and determining when to give up and go to surgery, I geuss needs to made with your thoughts and the guidance of the doctor. I will say at no time during my first fx did the doctor say it wouldnt heal; he kept saying we need to wait and see. He didnt push for surgery, so I was okay with that.

    I hate to ask, but could you get a 3rd opinion, and perhaps that could be your tie breaker so to speak? In the end you' need to do what you feel comfortable with. Did the doctor say why after 6 months he said it wouldnt heal?

  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I am a 43 year old male non-smoker desk jockey with reasonably good health other than my type 2 Jones fracture. I mention this info, as I understand it greatly impacts healing, particularly smoking.

    June 22 I broke my foot stumbling into something at a concert, went to the ER where they put it in a CAM boot and referred me to an Ortho. July 1st I had surgery, to put a screw in. For me this was a no brainer decision given the inconsistent results casts provide, and seems ultimately to waste time in the healing process. 12 week average for surgery versus 21 weeks average for a cast looking at the stats.

    I have gone to SCOI in Thousand Oaks CA and highly recommend Dr Bhak, who is great. He has never been to a party, ever, too busy studying medicine, just the way we want it.

    Post op, 1 week in a soft cast, after that four weeks in a full length CAM boot with NO pressure at all. Light touch pressure for two weeks and now I am just beginning partial standing pressure on the heal in a CAM boot. The x ray last week looked promising with good healing going on. My results, from reading more technical literature appears to be quite typical rather than the horror stories that abound about this injury. I am very thankful my experience is "typical".

    BTW surgery was seriously no big deal. SCOI is first class, a nerve block behind the knee deadens the lower leg for 36 hours, light meds to put me out woke up 30 minutes after surgery refreshed feeling fine. Zero, nothing, no pain for 36 hours. After that is was not worse than pain pre-op progressively better each day. I have taken three half pain pills total.

    I hope this is helpful.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I fractured my foot June 23, 2012 diagnoised as a Jones Fracture. Surgery done July 3. I am using a bone stimulator. At 8 weeks it was 50% healed, cast came off, and put in a CAM boot but still non-weight bearing. At 12 weeks it was 90% healed and started walking with the CAM boot. Osteopenia in the rest of my foot so hoping to get some of that bone mass back with walking, but not easy. My heel hurts when putting full weight. Doctor states progressing well. I work for a MD group and all the doctors I have talked with said that it was great I had surgery right away, otherwise it would be months before I healed.

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