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Can you diagnose this? Foot pain...

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 15, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I will lay out all what I find to be relevant details, hopefully someone has some ideas or can point to a similar thread/problem....thanks!

    For a long time I would get soleus pain/tightness after 2-3 minutes of running on a treadmill...I decided to get out of my 5yr old outlet purchase shoes, go to Road Runner sports for a running test and get put in some quality shoes with custom insoles. I ended up in some $100 Brooks stability shoes with custom insoles for my high arches. I started running, soleus tightness was there at first but was slowly getting better.

    Okay I thought, cool. Fast-forward a couple weeks, business trip to Boston, walked around the city all day in my running shoes, no problem. Meetings next day, then walked around for a couple hours in fairly new dress shoes (no insoles), no problem. Washington DC the next day, head out on the start of a long walk in my running shoes and pretty quick start noticing my left knee hurts (lingering issue, not the point here) and my right foot is uncomfortable with the insole feeling like it's somewhat digging into my foot and my right heel starting to hurt. It didn't really go away the next few days. Return home, and now for almost a week - the back of my right heel has a fairly bad stabbing pain every step, only in my dress shoes. A little better when I put the insoles in my dress shoes. More or less fine with I wear my running shoes or loose fitting skate type shoes or walk around barefoot. The pain has been getting slightly better each day, but it's the worst in the morning and still there.

    Any thoughts??

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