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Undiagnosed foot pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 16, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I've had a problem with my left foot for 18 months or so now but no idea what I've done to it.
    I do remember something heavy falling onto it at one point and I've stood on small toys a few times which is always really painful.

    18 months ago I couldn't bear to stand on tip toes or wear high heels. This has very slowly got better although it can still be painful sometimes.
    Sometimes I'll move my foot, just slightly, the wrong way and it feels like something clicks out of place. It's excruciatingly painful for seconds and then slowly the pain wears off. I can't walk at a normal pace without it bring painful although this has eased over the past year.

    I've had it xrayed which showed if was ok. I've had physio and the cuboid manipulated which let me in a lot of pain the following day. Since then it hurts, aches all the time and after a day at work recently I couldn't even bear weight on it.
    It's better now but achey and feels bruised.

    I'd just be grateful for any ideas of what might be going on as I'm now feeling like people think I'm imagining it.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Maybe I should add that the intense pain, when I get it, is over the cuboid area. At the top/outside edge of my foot.

    Is there a chance I may have broken or fractured a bone that didn't show up on X-ray? That has semi healed allowing me to walk on? It's achey and tender again today.

    Sorry for typos- damn auto correct!!

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