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Sharp pain in big toe

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 30, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I've seen several threads related to this but I didn't run across anyone describing quite the same sensation as I'm having. Basically I am having sharp pains near the right base of the nail of my left big toe. However, the pain only manifests when a very specific part of my foot (seems to be the medial cuneiform) is touched. I can poke and prod at my toe, the nail, the joints, etc but no pain. However if I push this one specific area or if it is touched by anything it shoots intense pain down to my toe a couple inches below where you're actually touching. I'm fairly young, 28, and exercise 6 days a week with no pain from my foot whatsoever. The pain is never there unless that area is touched so it doesn't hinder everyday activity, it is simply a painful nuisance on occasion. Any ideas?

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