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Can boots cause long term foot pain?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have had pain in my feet, around the back of my ankles now for over 18 months, occasionally the pain spreads down the inside and outside of my feet. I have had pain in my feet ever since I had a bad case of Tendonitis 18 months ago, my feet have never been the same since. The pain is worse first thing in the morning and when I go down stairs or walk on tip toes, my right foot even gave out on me when I was tiptoeing over the cat a few days ago. I have been to the doctors and he has blamed the boots that I was wearing when I went. Now obviously I have had more then the one pair of boots/shoes in the last 18 months of having this pain and it makes no difference what shoes or boots I wear, the pain is always the same. I do work in a job where I am on my feet for a long periods of time, but even when I have time off and purposely rest my feet, it makes no difference to the pain. I am pulling my hair out as I was sent home with anti inflammatory gel and painkillers, like I haven't already tried that approach. It would be so nice to get down the stairs without the horrendous pain of every step. So any advice would be very much appreciated.

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