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Toe pain for a few steps

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My big toe on the left foot hurts at the bottom in the center. It is a sharp stinging pain. It started hurting a few days ago, starting when I was just walking normally in the house. At first I thought I had stepped on something, but after careful examination there was nothing there.

    The toe only hurts when I put pressure on it by walking, tapping it, or rubbing the skin in that area.

    The strange part is, the pain goes away after taking a few steps. Any sort of stimulation of the area (walking, rubbing the area, tapping it gently) for a brief duration completely alleviates the pain.

    It will only hurt for a few steps, after that the pain is gone and I could walk a mile with no difficulty. The pain will come back after not stimulating the area for ~30 sec. When sitting with no pressure on the toe, there is no pain.

    The toe is not numb, I have no difficulty bending it, and it has never happened before. I am a male in my mid 20s. Doesn't seem like it is worth a doctor's visit, but the pain is annoying for the first few steps I take.

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