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Pain in both heels after jump.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by PainINHeels, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. PainINHeels

    PainINHeels Guest

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    Hi docs,

    I am having severe pain in both heels after a jump.I have sprayed deep heat and all but no improvement.There is no visible swollen or injury on both heels.

    What could be the trouble, i am not able to go to hospital coz i am not even able to walk 1 meter.

    Please help me out.
  2. AussiePod

    AussiePod New Member


    What do you mean "after a jump"
    Do you mean you jumped out of bed, or were you parachuting? :)

    The most reliable first aid treatment for injury is RICER

    Rest - Stop doing what it was that caused it. stop using the affect area.
    Ice - Ice/cold pack/bag of frozen peas. wrap it in a cloth and hold it on the area for 20 minutes. Leave it off 2 hours and repeat (no longer than 20 minutes or you risk frostbite!)
    Compression - apply pressure
    Elevation - keep it up
    Referral - go see someone who knows what they're doing.

    Heat is a no no, as it increase blood flow, and forces inflammatory chemicals to build up, and can delay healing.

    hope this helps

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