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5th Metatarsal(ish) Pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Last September I had a compression fracture without mechanism of action fracture to my pelvis (right pubic ramus). I don't know if it's relevant, but could be. It just BARELY healed completely and I was released to run. Now I'm having severe pain on my 5th metatarsal. On carpet it's not too bad, but as soon as I hit the tile floor it hurts (sharp pain). Mostly on the top/outside portion of my left foot. Yesterday it was made worse when flexing my pinky toe upwards. Painful to the point of being unable to walk on it. It will also hurt when sitting on the floor and I bring my knees up and my heals toward my behind. Then randomly it'll stop hurting with a certain pair of sandals. But then I walk around without the shoes and get to the tile- pain.

    Any ideas?
  2. AussiePod

    AussiePod New Member


    Im not sure if the hip is related, but the time away from running could be.

    when you run, your body becomes stronger to withstand the increased forces.
    If you have had a period without much activity, your body loses that strength.

    On return to the same activity, because your body is weaker it may cause things such as tendinitis or even a stress fracture.

    I would recomend that you see a foot specialist to look for any problems. Its not very useful to try and diagnose someone over the internet.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    And of course I wake up and NO pain. No problems. Like it never happened. This is the second time this has happened. I'll go on a long(ish) walk- not even a run! And the next three days or so I'll have this HORRIBLE pain that progresses to the point of being unable to hardly bear weight on it. Then the after about day 3 I'll wake up and pain is gone.

    What gives?!

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