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diabetic neuropathy and burning feet??

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Lucy Sky, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Lucy Sky

    Lucy Sky New Member

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    Can anyone advise about the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy?

    My mum is in constant pain with her feet. Does anyone share similar symptoms?

    She says it is a burning sensation in both feet - this is made worse when she walks a lot. Usually the day after.

    She says it feels like an elastic band is tied round her ankles. The feet feel tight.

    In the morning when she wakes up - they feel like blocks of ice. Then start to burn.

    Does that seem familiar to others here?

    I'm not sure it is neuropathy and no doctor has confirmed this. She has suffered 2 years.

    She has been diabetic for 4 years.

    Any thoughts or shared experiences would be appreciated.

  2. lloyd zerna

    lloyd zerna New Member

    Check on the shoes or insert that she is wearing. Maybe this has to do with plantar faciitis.
  3. AussiePod

    AussiePod New Member

    Diabetic neuropathy often presents as a burning pain.

    The only way to be sure is to have your feet checked by a professional.

    Diabetics should have their feet checked at least annually, to keep an eye out for foot problem such as this. If left untreated, the foot is at risk of infection, ulceration and ultimately amputation.

    You must have it checked out.

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