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Fell onto jones break in a cam boot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I broke the fifth metatarsal bone on my left foot July 8th in a circuit class. I didn't need surgery and Ortho put me in a cam boot. Non-weight barring until told otherwise. I went back to the Dr. 4 weeks later and Dr. was pleased with the progress. Bone was still in place and he saw signs of knitting. I've been vigilant about using crutches and not applying any body weight on the left foot.
    Yesterday, I tripped using my crutches and came down on the foot. Pain is back, not bad but it's present again. I go back to the Dr. this Friday for my 8 week check on the foot.
    What are the chances that I did major damage to my progress?
    The past couple of months have been tough with a 3 year and a 1 year old. I can't imagine starting from scratch.
  2. AussiePod

    AussiePod New Member

    You'd best ask your doctor for specific question like that.

    Also, there are a lot of threads on Jones fractures in this forum, have a browse through them for other people's experiences.

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