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Spiral Fracture 5th Metatarsal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hi. I just got into a car accident 2 days ago and I pushed the brake pedal so hard I fractured the 5th Metatarsal on my right foot. The emergency room doctor put it in a boot and gave me crutches and told me to see the orthopedic surgeon Monday. I do not have health insurance so my question is, is it really neccasary to go see the surgeon? The ER doctor said the OP surgeon may or may not put it in a cast but that unless it is offset that is pretty much it. Is this something that can heal fine with the boot? And is there a "typical" heal time for this kind of fracture? Also, I take my boot off right much because it hurts less to just prop it on a pillow. Is this a bad thing? I am 32 years old and have never broken a bone, so I apologize for my ignorance on this subject. I know you can't diagnose or "treat" but your opinion would be appreciated. Thanks. :)

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