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Broken tibia-fibula-ankle-bone graft/Walking Again?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Vee, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Vee

    Vee Guest

    Hi on August 7, 2012 I had surgery to repair my broken tibia/fibula & ankle in two places. The result was a rod, plate, 22 pins & a bone graft. I am now in my second week of aquatic care (water rehab) which consists of walking in the pool etc. I am also in a fracture boot and on crutches. The problem is not so much the pain as I have pushed through that it is now the very little ROM (range of motion) I have. My Dr. wants me to attempt to walk with no crutches in my boot but I cannot as my ankle is stiff. What am I wanting to know if anyone has been through this and what to expect from here? I do what I am told pointing toes up and down, towel stretches, circles & the air alphabet. I can finally tolerate having my ankle touch the floor without it feeling as it is going to fall off. I feel the shocks/pins & needles but I am told that is the normal as the nerves are repairing themselves. Also I get a x-ray each Dr. visit & the bone is growing back. I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel with the pain and I feel as if I am in a new dark tunnel with limited ROM. Any comments as to when you started to get ROM back and or walking would greatly be appreciated.
    Thank you so much.


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