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Post-ankle sprain radiating pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by another burning sole, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Hi all. It seems a bit lengthy but I thought I'd answer the requested questions lined out on your sticky. And thank you so much for taking the time.

    where does it hurt .... right lateral malleolus, inferior and anterior. Burning pain radiates roughly 5 inches proximal.
    how long has it hurt for .....since the beginning of summer. I rolled it on a hike.
    how bad is the pain .... burning pain, quite annoying. I have a high pain tolerance and should have dealt with it prior to now, but...
    what where (WERE) you doing when it started .... rolled it on a hike.
    what have you done for it so far ....NSAIDS.
    anything relieve it ..... nope. But I haven't done much so far.
    what have you been told about it so far .... i believe it was a light sprain and now I'm dealing with nerve troubles.
    is it affecting your ability to work or play sport .... I cut down on the hikes yes. It slows me down; it hurts with light lateral movements and pressure. I wish it could slow down my work; I don't have that luxury.
    do you have any other sorts of symptoms ... burning is more than enough. Instability is also transient (ly) present though.
    what country you are in .......USA.

    My questions are proper treatment ( I've heard hot/cold inversion therapy might be best) or even any potential treatment, and maybe long term damage probability?? Also, I'm pretty sure theres a name for post ankle sprain burning nerve damage but I can't remember it. I know with such limited info I won't get a specific diagnosis/treatment but any info is greatly appreciated.

    thank you So very much,

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