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post surgery 5month non healing jones fx

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Please help-my son fax his 5th metatarsal one year ago. Dr casted 3 wks and removed cast to normal activity. As soon as he resumed, it refractured. Was placed in walking cast on and off for 6 months. Went to second opinion and suggested surgery. Since he was junior in high school and involved in many sports, he had a screw and heel graft. Since the surgery in June 2012, there is minimal healing. He is very frustrated. Was given the green light this week to walk in a shoe and bike. He is now in extreme pain and the doc is unavailable. Is this normal for 17 yo healthy athlete? Should I be looking for underlying causes? Is yes, what? When do you call a surgery unsuccessful? After what period of time? And what other options are available? He has lost all hopes of a college scholarship, at this point just wants to be able to walk and resume his normal life. Any advice, please?
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    This is not natural and not normal. healing of 5th met fractures are normally straight forward in the vast majority of cases.

    You really need to get back to the doc ASAP or another to see what happened and why it will not heal.

    There are a number of possibilities as to why and difficult to say what without seeing the case, but it could be damage to the screw; it could be due to an underlying issue with the health of the bone; etc

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