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Toe Nail infection and trying to grow it back!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by EbonyKate, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. EbonyKate

    EbonyKate New Member


    While I was travelling around the world for a few months, I noticed I had a yellow spot on my big toe nail. I was very careful using communal showers, always using shoes in the shower and washing my socks etc but I didn't take much notice of it.

    When I got back home the spot had turned into a horizontal brown/yellow line and then I 'chipped' the nail and it split. Due to my own stupidness I peeled the nail away at the chip and underneath in was another layer of nail, very brittle and yucky looking. Since then I have been filing it down trying to stop it peeling. It has since peeled away again the whole nail has shrunk.

    I've been applying Canesten antifungal cream for the last month and half and I have noticed the color of my nail is looking a lot better. However, the nail is still flaking, brittle and refusing the grow. It has shrunken as well. The area where my 'halfmoon' usually is, is a raised bump.

    So basically, I'm wondering. Should I continue to use the cream and hope the nail grows back? I was recommended by a doctor to take Penlac but I couldn't afford it. It was going to cost almost $150 just for the Penlac and then more for the antibiotics (which I don't think I need).

    Any recommendations for helping me grow my nail back?

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