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Bunion pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Have had bunion without problems or pain for years. Last week weather turned very cold with rain, hale and wind. Day before storm big toe and bunion started to hurt. Still hurting and can not wear shoes. What can I do for pain? Any idea as to how long pain will last?
  2. robertharris750

    robertharris750 New Member

    For pain relief you can take Ibuprofen.
    Do some icing around painful area, wear the right kind of shoe,
    Bunions should be taken care of and should be prevented other wise it might give a patients more problem
    So, you should also do some exercises for bunions
  3. The width of your shoes will make a huge difference on bunion pain as well. If your shoes are snug and your bunion is inflamed than you will be in lots of pain caused by pressure on your bunion. Maybe try heating it or icing it?

    I am having surgery on the 8th for a very large and painful bunion - the only relief I have ever found that works is wider shoes and time, eventually the pain goes away or you get used to it.

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