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Ankle and Leg burning sensation

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by mccraysm, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. mccraysm

    mccraysm New Member

    The pain in my ankles is starting to return. My ankles and legs appear to be burning with a dull stabbing pain {pain> 5 to 7} radiating up towards my knee. I notice today {0313-13} while standing waiting in line at the grocery store the pain became worse. My doctor {a Neurologist} has increased my medication of Gabapentin 600mg 3T a day which I believe, makes me dizzy. We keep masking the pain, which I'm thankful for that however my fear is how far will we have to go? What if I can't get a drug to mask the pain? Why can't I find a cure?
    I had Sarcoidosis and use the drug Prednisone. Is there a Medical Facility that's more aware of this condition?
    On 0314-14 0630 a.m. I notice I had no pain after being up for about an hour the pain started and is about a two, ten being the greatest.

    The pain in my ankles is starting to return, my ankles and legs appear to be burning with a dull stabbing pain {pain> 5 to 7} radiating up towards my knee. I notice today while standing waiting in line at the grocery store the pain became worse. My doctor {a Neurologist} has increased my medication of Gabapentin 600mg 3T a day which I believe, makes me dizzy. We keep masking the pain, which I'm thankful for that however my fear is how far will we have to go? What if I can't get a drug to mask the pain? Why can't I find a cure?
    I had Sarcoidosis and use the drug Prednisone. Is there a Medical Facility that's more aware of this condition?

    Also I informed my Primary doctor on the importance of me having a Disability Placard for when days are bad, she stated that she only would be in agreement if I had lost a limb, do U agree and if so, why?
    When the pain is bad, like today, I wanna get in and get out.

    On 0314-14 0630 a.m. I notice I had no pain after being up for about an hour the pain started and is about a two, ten being the greatest.

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