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Rehab of Foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 14, 2013.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I hurt my foot awhile back, from a heavy impact. One leg is what took most of the impact. I went to the doctor and everything came back alright on the X-Ray and stuff, just the muscle took off some of the bone on a very small part.

    What I'm wondering is, I never rehabbed it or anything. I walked and did sports on it for 2 years without doing anything to build it up. About 2 years later now, I feel an ache in my knee, and a bit in my hip, and it feels unstable. Is this permanent damage, or will it go away if I re-strengthen the muscle? If I take vitamins and drink tons of milk will it eventually go away? It's like an ache feeling, could it just be from the muscles, or do you think it could be the bone?

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