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Very odd sized feet causing problems?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Hairbejereeve, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Hairbejereeve

    Hairbejereeve New Member

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    Since I was about 11 I've had one foot bigger than the other. I'm aware this is a common problem except my case is more extreme. My left foot is a size 8 and my right is 5.5. When I was about 16 it was a 7 and 4, but the right foot cause up by half a size. I'm 21 now and people tell me I walk funny. Is this possibly because of my odd size feet? Can they affect my balance and the way I walk? Any help would be appreciated. If it's relevant, I don't buy odd size shoes, I get size 8s but normally get a pair that won't let the smaller foot slip out.
  2. boostfoothealth

    boostfoothealth New Member

    Many people are born with clubfoot, which can lead to severely mismatched feet The ideal solution would be finding a shoe store that lets you buy a pair of two different sizes.
  3. Buster

    Buster Guest

    I think Nordstrom will allow you to buy odd-sized shoes, but it's worth checking a few of the shoe-trading websites and Facebook groups that allow people to swap or buy mismatched/odd-sized shoes.

    The one I use is oddshoefinder.com.
  4. Cabinet

    Cabinet Guest

    i have odd sized feet left is 5.5 and right is a 8 so kinda similar I get told I walk funny all the time! I also walk toe in on my smaller foot instead of my foot being straight. I always buy bigger shoes and hope the smaller one doesn't fall out.
  5. San Jose Podiatrist

    San Jose Podiatrist New Member

    "walking funny" can mean a lot things to different people - different regions, masses of people - one person with one oddity, could be considered walking funny! It depends - a video of you walking could help, could be hips, femur - thigh bone - knees, lower leg bones, ankles, or feet! a better definition of "walking funny"

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