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Ingrown and fungal toenail issues

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by DiamondTiara, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. DiamondTiara

    DiamondTiara New Member

    I saw a Podiatrist in 2019 about my issues but they failed to resolve them and simply said "let the toenails grow". In the years since then I've tried all kinds of methods to deal with my two big ingrown toenails.

    The right one is ingrown on both sides, the one on the left is ingrown and also completely fungal. I have used Vicks, Decolorized Iodine, Bleach, Kerasal, all of them have failed to solve my fungal nails. Kerasal makes the nails weak and brittle and they will crumble easily if I use that chemical on my feet.

    I am curious if it would be possible for me to ask to have the left one permanently removed if that is such a thing that a patient could ask for. I have an appointment for August 5th 2024 and I am American. I am tired of dealing with these constant issues and would like some second opinions before I go in and see my Podiatrist.

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