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Ingrown toenail returning after removal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Rechael, Jan 2, 2025.

  1. Rechael

    Rechael New Member

    I had a temporary removal of both big toenails about a month ago. The way that my nails grow into the sides of my toes is happening again. I've followed my Podiatrist's instruction to soak twice daily with epsom salts. I've used this taping method to pull the sides of my toes away from the nail. I'm using mostly Duoderm hydrogel and keeping bandaged. Last night after soaking I used Neosporin and was able to pull this hard nail material out from the side of my toe this morning. I'm concerned that my Podiatrist is missing something. He's the only one in town and seems to just recommend permanent removal. I have had healthy and normal toenail growth up until a year ago and really want them to be normal again. Has anyone else had this type of ingrown toenail and found a solution? Thank you.

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