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What's wrong with my nail?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Amy991, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. Amy991

    Amy991 New Member

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    I was experiencing pain around my cuticle a few months back, pain when wearing shoes. Now no pain but noticed a few months back my nail stopped growing. Now the tip is becoming detached and if you look at my cuticle there is a spot there.
    Is that a new nail growing underneath?
    I never bruised it. The dermatologist looked at it and said she thinks it's nail trauma from walking on a treadmill as much as I do

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  2. Mikel Daniels

    Mikel Daniels New Member

    Certain vitamins or minerals may lead to white spots on your nails, but other factors could also be the cause. It's best to consult your nearest podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis.

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