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Sharp shooting toe pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by lowiness, May 9, 2010.

  1. hubbard

    hubbard New Member

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    I do feel a sharp jolt if I hit wrong spot while rubbing on voltaren gel. so i know its a nerve thing- but toes on both feet? makes no sense. plus i broke middle toe on left foot a couple months ago.but pains are same even after that
  2. hubbard

    hubbard New Member

    only thing ive found that helps relieve the pain is Voltaren gel. its a prescription though. maybe a 4% lidocain cream might help- and some type of anti-inflammatory OTC- naproxen maybe. until Someone finds an answer to this thing we all have going on.
  3. hubbard

    hubbard New Member

    google under national institute of neurological disorders- Peripheral-Neuropathy-Fact-Sheet... this is a good page for information. I never thought I had this, but I misunderstood what it is. its Not just numbness or tingling, or just for diabetics..may shed some light on it for some so just FYI - makes sense - estimated 20 million people have it. good facts sheet
  5. Randy q957

    Randy q957 Guest

    I went to the doctor he told me for 4 circulation where support hose I thought he was crazy I kept having problems so I decided to buy some Hanes full support pantyhose and wore them for a week a world of difference very little pain it just takes getting used to love wearing them but thank you doctor and my toes don't seem to hurt as much
  6. Kathie

    Kathie Guest

  7. Loraine

    Loraine Guest

  8. Bob Davidson

    Bob Davidson Guest

  9. Bob_Dole

    Bob_Dole Guest

    Wow, this is the first place online that I've seen people having a similar problem to me. I get the sharp shooting pains in my left toe on my left foot only. I first had the pain about six years ago and that time it kept me up at night for two nights in a row and I remember throwing up through the pain and frustration..

    Apart from the odd 'twinge' with no-where near the strength of that period over the years, I hadn't experienced that pain again until last week when it came back again over the period of two days. It then disappeared again after two days off work and at rest. I felt the 'throbbing' again this morning and the dread of the pain coming back again full on.

    Does anyone else have trouble with the pain flaring up when passing urine? I have assumed that my problem is something to do with a nerve that is either near my bladder or prostate as it is very painful when I pass. To be clear, it is painful only in the toe area, although if I press around the prostate area, it is also painful ( athough this has now disappeared with the toe pain since last week).

    An osteopath seemed to help the first time and I have since sought out one for this period. He recommended that it could be that certain parts of my body are inflamed due to being allergic to a certain food type (like dairy) that I have acknowledged. (I do suffer from cold extremities in the winter so these seems plausible that an inflammation could complicate matters).

    All I can say is that I feel your pain and frustration during these periods. Choice curse words have left my mouth during these periods, along with hitting pillows and shouting. I think that in the first period I considered cutting my toe off at one point! (Although I wouldn't have followed it through).
  11. I too have had those "ice picks" to the toes that last for many seconds and then they disappear. It almost always happens when I am sitting or laying down. I keep an essential oil specifically for pain relief handy and roll it across my toes rubbing it in generously and it calms down the pain, usually stopping it for the rest of the evening. Unfortunately it does not prevent it. I have Osteo and Rheumatoid arthritis and have always just attributed the pain to one of those. I am 60 years old and have some major joint issues, so the ice picks to the toes is just one more thing to add to my list of aches and pains.
  12. Les Royal

    Les Royal Guest


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