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Dad is having fungus and pain.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by lurice0, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. lurice0

    lurice0 New Member

    68 year old WV male, 145 lbs, 5'6" only has Medicare part A.

    Mostly on his right big toe, there is this nasty fungus as you can see in the pictures that I can't post because of dumb rules.
    This has been going on for months maybe a year.
    And he has what he thinks is neuropathy with it. He is on his feet a lot working, and he thought it was from wearing the same boots for too long.
    He got bloodwork done 3 years ago and they said he was borderline diabetic and he still eats sweets and Pepsi but no alcohol. so we were afraid it could be from diabetes. He is a miser so i am just trying to get a diagnosis here.

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