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Ankle avulsion fracture from 6 months ago

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by lesakA, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. lesakA

    lesakA New Member

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    Hi my names Andrew and im a Freshman in highschool. Six months ago, during a cross country race, I had an avulsion fracture. A few days before the race, we were having a hard practice in which we ran mile repeats. when i pushed off to run the second mile, i felt a very bad pain in my right ankle. I rested for the rest of practice and the next day, but then it was race day. About 100 meters in to the race, there was a road we had to cross to get to the trail. As soon as my foot hit, i heard a loud pop and felt a some pain, but i still continued the race. Once i finished the race, i couldnt even walk. My foot was terribly swollen and it hurt if i put pressure on it. I limped around on it for about a week and then i went to the doctors and got 2 MRI's and 2 X-rays. They told me that my foot was very flat and that was causing the tibia (were i fractured my ankle) to be overloaded with force. I was put in a boot for a month or so, but when i got it off i still couldn't walk comfortably. I then got a brace that i wore for months, and it gave little to no help. I miss running so much and i really want to run this summer to prepare for next season, but where i fractured my ankle (tibia) still kind of hurts. When i do one leg standing calf raises on my bad ankle, i feel sort of a sharp pain where i injured it. I have barely ran for 6 months, (i hurt it at the beginning of October) and i just want the pain to completely go away. I can feel it when i walk, but its not really a pain its more of a discomfort. I am currently in physical therapy and it seems like its been helping, but i don't know why it hasnt healed by now. I did run a few times when i probably shouldn't have, but still it seems like it should've healed 6 months after the race. I am going to continue with physical therapy for another couple weeks, but im worried it wont be healed by then. I don't know what i should do, ive iced and rested forever and it seems like nothing works. If physical therapy doesnt completely get rid of the discomfort/pain on my tibia, what should i do? Will i have to live like that for a long time? How long does it usually take a tibia avulsion fracture to heal? Should i stay in physical therapy until it completely heals? BTW i have had custom fit orthotics now for almost 2 months. I know this is very long, but i feel almost desperate to cure my ankle, the thought of not being able to run pain and worry free makes me extremely sad. Please help:( if you need any more information comment on this and i will be glad to tell you more about my injury
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    i'm a 17 year old girl, i did the exact same thing in a gym class..pushed off one foot to run in the other direction and felt a pop..my ankle was the size of a baseball within a minute! they diagnosed me with an avulsion fracture (by the way, this was back at the end of february 2012). i thought after 5 weeks in an aircast that it would be healed but i'm still going to physiotherapy now. it takes a long time to heal, i'm also a runner and basketball player so i know how you feel! mine is feeling better, i still sometimes have pain when i run but not all the time. i would definitley say stay in physio, it helps a LOT. i had the same thoughts wondering why it would take so long to heal, but my physiotherapist told me it's very normal. i tried to do track a few months after the injury but had to stop because it was causing me pain. ask your physiotherapist and let them know the pain you are having, and maybe reconsider visiting the doc again. it sounds like you probably fractured in in practice and made it worse in the race...can't believe you ran with that pain!! try to stay off of it and let it heal :) hopefully i helped a little bit, feel better soon!!
  3. JoEllen

    JoEllen New Member

    I fell asleep in my recliner Christmas Eve, my left ankle tucked under me. I woke up, my foot was asleep but thought I could walk on it. My foot hit the floor with such force and rolled. I hear several pops, immediately went to the floor. Could not put any weight on it at all, not even toe tapping. Went to ER Christmas morning, avulsion fracture. Got a boot, wore it until I could manage without it - 3 days I think. 6 months out my ankle still swells, always aches, feels weak. The more I use it, the more it hurts. Sometimes wakes me up in the middle of the night, pain radiates down my foot and up my leg. I think I did more than the avulsion fracture, this doesn't seem normal 6 months out. Are avulsion fractures supposed to be this bad? I'm 60, maybe age complicates healing? I'm going back to the doctor though, there has to be something that will help. Don't try to walk on sleeping feet. I had done it a thousand times, and one time too many. Never again.
  4. Ebony

    Ebony Guest

  5. Ebony

    Ebony Guest

    I curious to know your outcome when you saw the doctor. i fractured my ankle in August. they didn't say it was an avulsion fracture but now 6 months later my physio doctor is thinking that is what happened due to the slow healing. i still can't walk without a limp still is tender it still swells after a short time. I'm due to see the doctor as well. I've been worried did they miss this now I'll limp for life. i wonder can this heal without surgery in time. will I need surgery. Just worried.....
  6. Ebony

    Ebony Guest

  7. Maria

    Maria Guest


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