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Debilitating inner arch pain - can't walk.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by billstein22, May 5, 2015.

  1. billstein22

    billstein22 New Member

    Hi, I've been experiencing a very annoying pain lately. There is an awful debilitating, throbbing type of pain along my inner arch (under my big toe) from about the mid-arch to the ball of my foot. The pain is noticeable along the side of my foot (same basic area) as well. Here are the main symptoms and my treatment thus far:

    Symptoms: -debilitating pain along first metatarsal and arch of foot (very tender)
    -somewhat tender between ankle and heel and along lower Achilles tendon
    -pain when standing and/or walking
    -cannot walk for more than a few steps before limping
    -noticeable clicking sound along first metatarsal/inner arch

    Treatment: -xrays and MRI did not reveal anything unusual
    -wearing a boot for 2 weeks, feels virtually the same
    -doing calf stretches 4 times a day

    Any thoughts? Dr has only suggested plantar fasciitis, but it seems to affect non-plantar areas (and also the fact that I can't walk without limping is worrisome).

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