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ring toe?big toe numb feels tied with string

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. Tami1975

    Tami1975 Guest

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    Same thing here. I feel the hair somewhere on my foot for around my toes, and then I look and there's nothing there. At some point, I will sometimes find a translucent hair that will suddenly appear while I am looking at it. Makes me feel really crazy! Does anyone else have this experience? Translucent hair that seems to suddenly appear? Sometimes I use tea tree oil or peppermint and where there was no hair at all, one will appear. I also sometimes see an indentation where I feel it, but again there is nothing there. When this happens I forgot the oil's, and usually something will eventually of here. It's an almost invisible hair, I can only see it when the light hits it a certain way. It's almost like a piece of web! So, so weird. My boyfriend has seen the almost invisible hair suddenly appear, so I know I'm not bonkers. Just thought I would share in case someone else has this experience.
  2. Tami1975

    Tami1975 Guest

    Edited that for typos.
  3. VAF84

    VAF84 Guest

    Early/Mid thirties, healthy, active male adult.

    Symptoms: Phantom hair strand feeling, RIGHT foot, between right big toe and second from the left 2nd biggest toe. Feels like the strand is pulling from front to back, rather than around either of the toes. Began abruptly in the evening two days ago (initially noticed when barefoot after shower). Not pain, but an annoyance as I find myself checking to see if anything is there.

    Potential Related injuries: I have a herniated lower back disc (about 5 years ago), I want to say it's L-4. Been having LEFT hip pain for a months now where it flexes with the leg. Recently had LEFT hamstring tightness, and LEFT calf tightness post exercising, although it has alleviated recently.

    Highlights: Healthy diet, healthy weight, sedentary work 7 days a week (lots of sitting), high intensity 30 -45 min workouts 2 to 3 times a week (includes jumping, running, short sprints). Minimal shoes (been doing so for years now). No surgeries.

    Recent changes: I went to a local chiropractor as I do every so often. Had a great session compared to previous chiropractor, and positive results (2 weeks before phantom string). Have recently (3 weeks ago) been using an inversion table to hang upside down on a nearly daily basis, and recently have been hanging for longer amounts of time. I love it, and feel like it's had a positive effect as well. It is possible that hanging from my ankles on the board contributed to this outcome, but unsure. I also had a recent short (1.5hr) commercial flight right before I noticed it.

    Hope this helps someone figure it out. Glad to see I'm not the only one!
  4. Barbie

    Barbie Guest

  5. Jayelle

    Jayelle Guest

  6. TimK

    TimK Guest

    It's negative energy!!! And if it is wrapped around your toes it is also wrapped around your entire body. It can be very thin like string or fishing line and it may also widen out like a ribbon or even much wider. The ears are also a likely place you will notice it, especially behind the ears. Most medical doctors are not trained to deal with it so you are wasting your time seeking their help. You need someone who is familiar with energy healing from a wholistic standpoint. Body, Mind and Spirit.
  7. TimK

    TimK Guest

    It's negative energy!!! And if it is wrapped around your toes it is also wrapped around your entire body. It can be very thin like string or fishing line and it may also widen out like a ribbon or even much wider. The ears are also a likely place you will notice it, especially behind the ears. Most medical doctors are not trained to deal with it so you are wasting your time seeking their help. You need someone who is familiar with energy healing from a wholistic standpoint. Body, Mind and Spirit.
  8. LauraC

    LauraC Guest

  9. Laurie

    Laurie Guest

    I have had this annoying feeling too. It's like I have a tight rubber band wrapped around both right and left big toes, as well as all of the toes on my right foot.. for years now!! It started one day that I was wearing flip flops for an extended period of time, which I normally never do. That morning, I had a pedicure then ran a few errands without changing back into my regular shoes, as I usually do. Big mistake!! I have had the rubber band feeling, numbness and achiness from that day on. I told my doc but never got a definitive answer. Nice to know it's not just me feeling this weird feeling. Hope we all get a diagnosis and way to treat it someday. I'd love to have normal feeling feet again.
  10. patsyporco

    patsyporco Guest

    Thanks for your input. I'm going to try this.
  11. Chelsie

    Chelsie Guest

    Hello everyone! I'm glad I found the "insane peoples thread"..it's absolutely crazy that there is not one not two BUT A WHOLE DAMN HURD OF US ALL having the same crazy weird problem. So with my toe problem it feels like I have a peice of hair wrapped around my big toe all the way down to the other toes but stops before the pinky one. It's not just when I lay down. I actually start to notice it when I'm in the shower so of course that's very possible thing to happen. But I clean my feet I feel every toe and I never can find the hair. But this time is a little more different. I swear when I run my fingers between my big toe and the one next to it I seriously feel like I'm pulling a piece of hair off... But then it stops so I try again and again still feels the same way. I even busted out the flash light so I could get a really good look up in there and nada. I even made my husband look for this pesky imaginary hair that's driving me crazy. Ahhh help!!! What have you guys done in order to help this stop? I do have pretty bad nerve damage in my upper right arm/shoulder down to my finger tips. And I know that our nervous system is all connected. I have had several surgeries to help with this injury when it happened and it messed up the nerves in my arm pretty badly. So I would think maybe sense I have such bad nerve damage in a big part of my body that It would only be normal to have other problems with my nerves elsewhere in my body correct? well I do take 2 different types of nerve medicine for my injury but I honestly do not notice a difference with this hair on the toe thing once the meds kick in. So then it has me thinking maybe
    it's not a nerve issue!!!!! AHHHHHH HEELP ME FIGURE IT OUT PLEASE
  12. Chelsie

    Chelsie Guest

    Hello so it's absolutely crazy that you said this. Let me tell you why! (Please bare with me. I did probably write to much and it's a lot to read but... it is absolutely going to be a long story time so buckle up cuz it's about to happen!!!)So I have been having the same "my hair is wrapped around my toes" feeling/problem. Mine always starts when I am in the shower which is highly very likely to actually have a hair get wrapped around my feet. But this time it's absolutely driving me crazy. I busted out my flash light to go on a hunt for this damn hair but unlike all the other times when I go between my big toe and the toe that's next to it I kinda rub/pull as if I'm actually grabbing a hair and I pull my fingers up as to "take it off" but I am absolutely getting this sensation that I'm actually pulling a hair off my toes but once I get so far away from my toes the sensation stops so I go back in to get this damn hair. But NOTHING IS COMING OFF MY TOES!! So I then had my husband look while using the flashlight and I explain to him what I am feeling and I swear to him that I am for sure pulling a piece of hair off my toes... He looks at me like I am crazy and said" uh no... There's literally NOTHING there BUT YOU DEFINITELY have athletes foot" sooooo BAM!!!! I honestly believe you are absolutely on to something here. I am going to put athletes cream on my feet tonight and hope it gets rid of the annoying ass feelings hopefully your conclusion helped so you don't have this feeling anymore.
  13. Chelsie

    Chelsie Guest

    Also there was a very smart person that commented on this thread stating it could be a type of fungus or athletes foot. Sooo I'm going to put some athletes foot cream on right now before I go to bed and figured crossed this person was actually onto something... If this works I hope this person gets paid or wins the lottery.. someone buy him/her coffee or a beer. This problem is definitely annoying
  14. Ade

    Ade Guest

    I don’t take in too much sugar and don’t drink any caffeine so I am not sure that this predication is accurate. I just had this feeling start around my big toe, and have had it around the third and fourth toes occasionally for a few years when I am exercising.

  15. Kathryn D.

    Kathryn D. Guest

    I can't believe what I've been reading. I thought I was the only one out there experiencing this foot pain. I feel like someone has wrapped giant rubber bands around my toes and the top (under) part of my foot and it extends to my heels. Also, my toes have all crammed together toward the center. My big toes are smashed up against my second toes and it is causing skin lacerations. I have fractured my back on 3 separate occasions resulting in cracking my entire lumbar spine, L1 thru L5 and T12. L5 and T12 have each been fractured two times and L1 has been fractured 3 times. I thought this was nerve damage. Also, my feet have that numb feeling and it creeps up into my calves and ankles. I'm scared. I admit I do eat too much sugar big time and I drink tea all day. I've read it could plantar fasciitis (sp?) or an extension of Raynaud's Syndrome which I've had in my fingers and toes for 38 years. Who knows???? Can someone help me?

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